Calibration of the temperature measured by the temperature sensor

If external elements have a negative impact on the correctness of the temperature measurement it may be necessary to calibrate the measured temperature.

To perform temperature calibration, proceed as follows:

* create two features in CLU user features:

calibration - the value by which the measured temperature will be calibrated,
calib_temp - temperature value after calibration in Celsius degree

* create a script:

CLU->calib_temp = CLU->ONEW_SENSOR1->Value - CLU->calibration

* assign the script to the OnValueChange event in the temperature sensor:

The configuration created in this way should be sent to the CLU unit.

Note! The Calibration feature is available in the PANELSENSTEMP object of the Smart Panel module from FW 6.01.08, which allows automatic temperature calibration with a constant value in the range -10 to +10 °C.