Push history

This article shows you how to set up to check your push notification history.


To implement the following functionality you need:

  • central unit CPU
  • environment for creating the logic - Object Manager

Implementation of the aforementioned functionality will require the creation of:

  • scripts - in the example project named:
    • sDeclaration - Declaration of global variables
    • sIncDecPushNo - Support for displaying a specific notification
    • sPushObjectX - Adding a notification to the notification database
    • sPushQueue - Support for the notification database
  • user features - in the example project named::
    • RecordNo - The number of the currently displayed notification
    • PushDisplay - The content of the currently displayed notification

  • Push objects- In our example we use two objects:
    • PushObject1 - First Push object
    • PushObject2 - Second

CLU unit configuration

1. Double-click the CLU icon to enter the module settings

Go to the "User Features" tab and create number user features:

  • RecordNo - Number of the currently displayed notification - initial value: 1 - type: Number
  • PushDisplay - Content of currently displayed notification - Initial value: "No push notifications" - Type: String
  • RecordsNumber - Quantity of push notification in memory - Initial value: 0 - type: Number
  • MaxRecordNumbers - Size of notification memory - Initial value: 10 - type: Number

Logic configuration

1. Prepare Push objects

To do so click icon Add CLU Object

Choose Push object

Configure it as follow

In the same way create  PushObject2 object

2. The following scripts will be used to fully support the functionality:

  • sDeclaration - Declaration of global variables
  • sIncDecPushNo - Support for displaying a specific notification
  • sPushObjectX - Adding a notification to the notification database
  • sPushQueue - Support for the notification database

In order to create a script, click the Add script field in the object tree in the Object Manager

2. Prepare the script sDeclaration:

RecordTable ={}

Add script to CLU OnInit Event

3. Prepare the script sIncDecPushNo:

if CLU->RecordsNumber>0 then
    if param =="Inc" then
        if CLU->RecordNo< CLU->RecordsNumber then
            CLU->RecordNo = CLU->RecordNo+1
if param == "Dec" then
    if CLU->RecordNo> 1 then
        CLU->RecordNo = CLU->RecordNo-1
if param =="First" then
    CLU->RecordNo = 1
if param =="Last" then
    CLU->RecordNo = CLU->RecordsNumber
CLU->PushDisplay = RecordTable[CLU->RecordNo-1]

for the script add a parameter e.g. named param.

4. Prepare the sPushObject1 script:

while PushQueueActive == true do

RecordTable[0] = "Push send time: "..CLU->PushObject1->LastSendTime.. " Title: ".. CLU->PushObject1->Title..  " Message: "..  CLU->PushObject1->Message

Similarly, create scripts for all push objects in the system. Remember to change CLU and Push Object names in script.

5. Prepare the sPushQueue script:

if CLU->RecordsNumber< CLU->MaxRecordNumbers then
    CLU->RecordsNumber = CLU->RecordsNumber+ 1
PushQueueActive = true
for i = CLU->MaxRecordNumbers,1,-1 do
PushQueueActive = false

Konfiguracja obiektów Push

Assign the execution of scripts to the onSend event:

Do the same assignment for all push objects in the system. Remember to assign different scripts to every object.

Sending configuration to the system

1. After making all the changes, send the configuration to the CLU using the button below on the toolbar:

Creating the myGrenton interface

1.  Create an interface.

2. Add a TEXT widget and configure it as follows:

3. Add a SCENE_DOUBLE widget and configure it as follows:

4. Add a SCENE_DOUBLE widget and configure it as follows:

5. Add a VALUE_V2 widget and configure it as follows:


Checking the operation of the configuration

The following video shows how the created configuration works.