Grenton system allows controlling single-color LED circuit. This article presents a setup to enable controlling the value of a strip using the SLIDER widget in the range of 0-100%.
To display the values as a percentage instead of in the range of 0-255, you need to scale them. Below is an example configuration for the red (R) channel.
- Create a user feature of number type (red_value), to which the percentage value of the R channel will be passed.
- Create a script (red_value_scr) that will convert the value of the RedValue feature from 0-255 to the 0-100% form:
CLU->red_value = math.ceil((CLU->LEDRGB->RedValue * 100) / 255)
Note: The script uses rounding of values to integers. For more information on using the math.ceil function, see the article. - Assign the red_value_scr script to the OnValueChange event of the RGBW LED module.
- In the next step, create a script (set_red_value_scr) that will convert the value set with the SLIDER widget (0-100%) to the 0-255 form:
red_val = (red_val * 255) / 100
where red_val is a script parameter of number type : - Fill out the SLIDER widget as follows:
where red_switch() is a script responsible for changing the state of 0/255 R channel. An example of a script implementing switch logic is presented in the article.
Similarly, you can create a configuration for the remaining channels (G, B, W).